Category Archives: This Ravaged Country

Where I come from strange children thank God for brownfields without which there would be no place at all

Published / by J.M. Littenberg / Leave a Comment

Where I come from strange children thank God for brownfields
without which there would be no place at all

Once you learn to walk with your eyes cast down and to the right
you will find the trail dug under the bent chainlink fence
Follow me there

Onto some safe place
The tops of basement bomb shelters
lined with pine needles
rusted shut

Behind dark doorways sirens call from the rusted hulls of necessary evil
Follow me there

In the warmer months we could make this our home
Light reflected off shards of glass and the chemical green of crabgrass could be our mattress

Tatters of red cloth hung on brambles
circles of charred earth
strange encryption
the Fae return